Tektronix TPS 2014 :: Osciloskop

TSP 2014

Výrobce: Tektronix, Japonsko

Stručný popis

Digitální osciloskop s šířkou pásma až 200 MHz a vzorkovací frekvencí 2G/s řady 2000. Umožňuje měření s plovoucí zemí nebo diferenciální měření v řadě náročných aplikací. S kapacitou 4-izolovaných kanálů a přenosnou baterií umožňuje měření v terénu nebo kdekoliv i bez dostupného napájecího napětí.


Isolated Channels 4
Bandwidth*2 (MHz) 100
Sample Rate (GS/s) per Channel 1.0
Record Length 2.5 K points
Display (1/4 VGA LCD) Color
Battery Operation Capacity for two hot-swappable battery packs One standard battery pack offers 4 hours of battery operation Optional second battery pack extends battery operation to 8 hours Continuous battery operation is possible by hot-swapping charged batteries
Automatic Measurements 11
Isolated External Trigger Input (Impedance isolated) Yes
Vertical Resolution 8 bits (normal or with averaging)
Vertical Sensitivity 2 mV to 5 V/div on all models with calibrated fine adjustment
DC Vertical Accuracy ±3%
Vertical Zoom Vertically expand or compress a live or stopped waveform
Max Input Voltage (1 MΩ)*1 300 VRMS CAT II at BNC signal to BNC shell, 1000 VRMS CAT II at probe tip to earth ground with optional P5120 passive, high-voltage probe
Float Voltage*1 600 VRMS CAT II or 300 VRMS CAT III BNC shell to earth ground, 1200 VRMS CAT II between any two channel commons with each of the channel commons not being more than ±600 VRMS from earth ground
Position Range 2 mV to 200 mV/div ±2 V >200 mV to 5 V/div ±50 V
Bandwidth Limit 20 MHz
Linear Dynamic Range ±5 div
Time Base Range 5 ns to 50 s/div
Time Base Accuracy 50 ppm
Input Impedance 1 MΩ ±2% in parallel with 20 pF
Input Coupling AC, DC, GND
Horizontal Zoom Horizontally expand or compress a live or stopped waveform
FFT Standard
RS-232, Centronics-Parallel Ports Standard
PC Connectivity Standard
Integrated CompactFlash® Mass Storage Standard
Power Measurements Optional package that offers instantaneous power waveform analysis, waveform analysis, harmonics analysis, switching loss, phase angles, dv/dt and di/dt cursors
*1 Please refer to Environmental and Safety specifications.
*2 Bandwidth is 20 MHz at 2 mV/div, all models. Bandwidth is 200 MHz typical at 5 mV/div, 200 MHz models only. Bandwidth is 200 MHz typical between 40 °C and 50 °C, 200 MHz models only.

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